Collection: Primaloc Epoxy Blog

How Safety and Quality Assurance Are Undermined in the Epoxy...

An illustration of a warning symbol with adjacent text that says "How Safety and Quality Assurance Are Undermined in the Epoxy Industry".
With many epoxy dealers importing their products from unregulated countries, it's become difficult to find providers you can trust. Learn more here.

The 3 Standard Coating Methods for Epoxy Resin

A blurred photo of a deep pour epoxy table top, with a text overlay that says "The 3 Standard Coating Methods for Epoxy Resin"
For epoxy projects, there are three different types of coating applications typically used. Learn what those types are and why they matter here.

The Role of Viscosity in Epoxy Resin

A blurred photo of an epoxy batch being prepared, with a text overlay that says "The Role of Viscosity in Epoxy Resin"
The viscosity of epoxy affects it at every stage of the process. Knowing about those effects can help you pick the ideal resin type. Learn more here.

How Much Will 1 Gallon of Epoxy Cover?

An illustration of a large question mark with adjacent text that says "Primaloc Answers: How Much Will 1 Gallon of Epoxy Cover?"
Learn how much surface area a typical gallon of epoxy resin is able to cover in this Primaloc Answers explainer.

How Thick Can You Pour Epoxy?

A blurred image of a wooden epoxy river table with a text overlay that says "Primaloc Answers: How Thick Can You Pour Epoxy?"
Learn how thick an epoxy layer can be safely poured without issue here in this Primaloc Answers article.

Should You Sand Table Top Epoxy?

An illustration of a large yellow question mark with adjacent text that says "Primaloc Answers: Should You Sand Table Top Epoxy?"
Sanding epoxy is necessary on occasion, and knowing when/where can be helpful for achieving a perfect finish. Learn more here.